Loss and Grief

Issue : Loss and Grief

If you asked 100 people what loss and grief means the majority would refer to a person dying. Of course that is true but it is only part of the story.

We suffer losses in many ways (relationships, status, jobs, pets and more commonly in recent times purpose).

Grief is unique. Sometimes the pressure we feel to grieve ‘the right way’ can bring worry which just adds to the pain.


Common Signs : Loss and Grief

While there is no right or wrong way in grief, understanding patterns and working out where you are can provide direction during overwhelm. For example:

  • Understand the stages of grieving (fear, loneliness, sadness, denial, anger and acceptance)
  • Tailor strategies for coping with your symptoms of grief and loss
  • Help resolve difficulties as you are dealing with grief
  • Gain support to accept loss and move to finding meaning in the actions you take
  • Help understanding confusing pain, anger or feelings of guilt
  • Learn to use tools to re-adjust to your new life with all its changes
  • Learn how you let go and move on whilst respecting the loss you have experienced


Tackling it : Loss and Grief

There are many models dealing with loss and grief (some setting out stages) but these should be used to assist not as a straight jacket. The process is highly individual and being an empathetic listener is often much more important than trying to solve problems or issue general assurances.

We often need help to learn how to grieve and process those losses as part of life and to move forward, even though the pain might be overwhelming at times. Moving forward does not mean forgetting or not honouring our losses.