Crystal Ball or Mindset – The Real Value of Hindsight


How often do you hear the phrase “it is easy to say that with the benefit of hindsight…”. Of course there is truth in this statement but it doesn’t tell the whole story.   Why do humans resist change? We typically fear change as humans. It is how we are wired. Routine is safe, change […]

Adaptability – Be a Shapeshifter


There are many things we face everyday that are outside our control. How we see things and our responses to them will be a major factor in staying ahead of the pack in our personal and professional lives.   What is adaptability? Adaptability helps us manage (and lead) in unusual situations without explicit instruction. It involves […]

7 Secret Soft Skills for Success In 2023


Many people dislike the term soft skills. It implies that development of these attributes is somehow secondary to being able to develop harder or technical skills that are easier to see and measure.   What are soft skills and why so crucial? We exist in an environment which is increasingly based on services and so […]