Blog – The 360°


The 360° celebrates the Owl’s ability to capture different perspectives.

The 360° is brief but not lightweight, unlocking key areas in counselling, therapy and business coaching as well as exploring new trends. And we throw in some tools and checklists for you to take away and try for yourself.

A new blog is posted on The 360° (and on our social channels) weekly.


Perfectionism – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Perfectionism is a common trait that can manifest in many areas of life, such as work, school, and relationships. While striving for excellence can be a positive trait, perfectionism can...


Loss and Grief – One Size Does Not Fit All

Grief is a deeply personal and unique experience that affects each person differently. It is a natural response to loss and can manifest in a variety of ways, such as...


Anger – What can I do with it?

It’s important to understand that anger is a normal emotion and it’s ok to feel angry. However, it’s how we express our anger that is important.   Where does my...


Adaptability – Be a Shapeshifter

There are many things we face everyday that are outside our control. How we see things and our responses to them will be a major factor in staying ahead of...


Imposter Syndrome – Am I worth it?

Imposter syndrome is a common feeling among individuals, where they doubt their own abilities and accomplishments, and fear that they will be exposed as a fraud. According to the Journal...


Sleep – Our hidden Superpower 

The average person spends 26 years of their life sleeping and at least 7 years trying to get to sleep. That’s 33 years spent in bed. That’s a lot of...


7 Secret Soft Skills for Success In 2023

Many people dislike the term soft skills. It implies that development of these attributes is somehow secondary to being able to develop harder or technical skills that are easier to...


Key Issues When Making a Move from Home

There is so much to consider and so many things that are new. Where do you start so that you are ready to make the most of starting something new?...


Learning to Grit and Bear It

We all face unprecedented pressure to defend our choices, justify why things haven’t worked immediately or check our phone for the bombardment of others seemingly doing better than us.  This...